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5 Fun Get To Know You Games for Adults

Great Get To Know You Games for Adults

Everyone knows how difficult it can be to get to know someone, especially if you have known them for a while and want to learn more about them. It is like when you meet an acquaintance, and they usually ask, “how are you,” and you respond with the popular phrase: “fine”. You both feel awkward that no more details were revealed.

However, there was not enough time to develop into a more in-depth conversation on good days or bad days. In the fast-paced society, we are in, people are missing out on opportunities to build their relationships because they are too busy texting one another about unimportant details.

Now that you know the struggles of “getting to know you”, we will talk about some fun get-to-know-you games for adults that can help solve this dilemma. Get to know you games can be an icebreaker and help develop more meaningful relationships with others. Here are five fun get to know you games for adults

Keep reading to learn more!

What Are Get To Know You Games?

Get To Know You Games are any activity that one or more people can do with the primary purpose of getting to know another person better. These activities are usually casual, short in length, and fun! They are meant for all age groups and genders.

It is recommended to allow enough time at the beginning of the activity for each person to reveal their answer on paper before comparing answers as a group. Some of these games may include some evaluation afterward if enough time is left on the clock. Participants should be allowed to ask clarifying questions if they are unsure who someone may be referenced in their answers.

1. Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever is played by gathering a group of people in a circle. Everyone participating has to put up ten fingers while the game leader says, “Never have I ever…” and then states something that they have not done.

For example, “Never have I ever eaten sushi.” At this point, anyone who has eaten sushi puts down one finger because it was on their turn. If everyone puts down all ten fingers after hearing the statement, then the person who said it has to drink (because they did it). The game goes around the circle until someone ends up with no fingers left; whoever ends up with no fingers must finish their beverage.

When you play Never Have I Ever with adults, make sure to pick statements or activities that fit the age range of your group (because what is embarrassing for a teenager may not be as mortifying for someone older).

Some examples could include: Never have I ever… drank coffee; Never have I ever been on TV; Never have I ever lied about my age/height/weight on an online dating site; and more.

2. Truths And A Lie

This trivia-styled game is excellent for people who enjoy thinking quickly on their feet. It will also give others insight into your thought process if you can think up good lies on the spot.

Before jumping into this conversation starter, establish whether or not someone can guess which of your stories are true and false or force everyone to play under the assumption that everything said is a lie (or vice versa)!

The rules state that each person must choose two truths and one lie. For example, you might say your dog’s name is Lucy, you own a lizard and have been skydiving. Then it would be up to the other players to guess which of those three statements is not true.

This activity manages to uncover more about a person than just their name, rank, and serial number because they have to think quickly on their feet and may reveal interesting details about themselves without even realizing it!

I recommend playing this game with close family or friends who know a lot about you already so that everyone else can play along without feeling too awkward asking questions. If the group consists only of strangers, make sure nobody asks about someone’s personal life during the first round until everyone has had a chance to participate!

3. Draw Something

This activity is perfect for artistic people but is still fun to play with anyone. This game forces players to dig deep into their memories because you have just 15 minutes to draw whatever comes to mind when you hear particular words, names, or places.

For example, if someone picks the word “home,” one might think of a house in the suburbs with a picket fence and front yard; however, another player may remember something entirely different.

Not only does drawing allow you to express yourself in different ways than words can, but also it forces the other person to give you their undivided attention because they are waiting for you to finish before giving their interpretation of your drawing.

Once both people have finished drawing or describing what they see, they can compare drawings and discuss how each of them came up with a different idea even though they were looking at the same thing.

Sometimes, one person will create an entirely different picture of what the other had in mind, and sometimes they will draw or describe something strikingly similar! This activity demonstrates how people can view the same situation differently even though each person had all of the relevant information to understand it.

4. 20 Questions

This game teaches people to think quickly on their feet as well as how to hone in on important details. Before playing, decide what you want the other person to be for this activity (ex: a celebrity; an animal; etc.). This will help narrow down your choices and speed up the process of asking questions!

This game is played by one person thinking of something and then using 20 yes or no questions to figure out what that object is. For example, if I wanted my friend to tell me where she hid her keys, I would ask her something like, “Is it larger than a breadbox?” She would most likely answer ‘no’ because everyone knows that breadboxes are not very large these days.

If she thought they were hidden under the couch, she would answer ‘yes’ because that is about the same size as a breadbox. This game will not only test how well you know someone but also your reasoning skills!

5. Would You Rather…?

This game has no rules other than to come up with questions that can be answered by ‘would you rather’ or ‘yes or no.’ You could even challenge each other to make the question as absurd as possible!

For example, would you rather eat a gummy worm for dinner every night for the rest of your life or only have bread crusts to eat? These types of questions are not meant to be serious but are still fun to see who can come up with the most ridiculous result. If anything, this game will help people determine what they value more within themselves and therefore how they would act in tough situations.

Developing Relationships

Doing each of these activities regularly will help develop stronger connections between family members and friends. The more time people spend together, the better they will know each other. This guarantees smoother conversations will flow.

It is important to keep in touch with everyone you care about. Especially, if you only see them only one time a year. Does “getting to know you” games sound like something you and your family would enjoy playing together.  Make sure to try out at least one of these activities. There are many benefits that come from spending quality time with those who matter most!

This is also great for the workplace and other various types of team bonding. These games help push pasts surface-level relationships and allow you to get to know those around you better.

Benefits of Getting To Know You Games

Get to know you games help people bond and feel more comfortable around each other, which can form more meaningful relationships. It does not matter how much you think you know about a person. There is usually something deeper that can be discovered through actual conversation. These games also help people learn more about themselves and who they are as a person.

Remember, it is not what another person learns about you but what you may gain from getting to know them.

Warning About Getting To Know You Games

People should never have to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable when participating in any get-to-know-you games. Anything that makes your heart race or your palms sweat is probably something that should not be included.

Every person is unique. The purpose of these activities is to help people become closer and more comfortable around each other. If these specific topics make you feel uneasy, then it may be best to avoid them altogether. These games are meant to be fun by providing an opportunity for people to open up.

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Matt McWilliams

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