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Cornhole Rules and Regulations – Have You Been Playing It Correctly?

Have You Been Playing Cornhole Correctly

You have been playing cornhole for a while now and feel like you have the game down. But are you playing it correctly? Here are the official rules and regulations for cornhole as set by the American Cornhole Association. This is a game that is played at many sporting events for fun, but some leagues take pride in this game and following the rules correctly.

So, have you been playing cornhole correctly? Cornhole (also known as corn toss and corn toss) is a popular tailgate game that involves throwing bags of dried corn, usually weighing about 15 pounds total at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. A bag in the hole scores three points while one on the platform scores one point. The first player or team to reach 21 points wins the game.

During my time researching corn hole, I have learned that are quite a bit of rule and regulations, but once you start playing the game it is easy to catch on and keep up with the scoring, game object, and other additional rules.

Rules For Corn Hole

  • Number of Players: 2-4 players
  • Playing Field: The playing field is a rectangular area with two boards set up at each end. The playing field should be 27 feet long and 13 feet wide.
  • Board Dimensions: The boards should be 2 feet by 4 feet, and the hole should be 6 inches in diameter.
  • Equipment: A regulation cornhole board is 27 inches wide by 47 inches long, and is divided into two squares at each end of the board which is 17 inches wide by 26 inches long (the “corners”). The platform on the throwing side is 6 inches high in the rear and has a sloping face that starts at 12 inches in the front and slopes to 9 inches behind the rear. The cornhole set should include 8 bags made from heavy-duty fabric with a duck cloth lining and filled with whole kernel corn. The weight of an empty bag is approximately 15 ounces. Each team uses four bags of one color for a total of eight bags.

Game Regulations

  • The Object of the Game: The object of the game is to score points by throwing bags into the hole. The first team to reach a certain number of points wins the game. According to ACA rules, a cornhole match is played over the best 2 out of 3 games.
  • Scoring: Each point is awarded when a player reaches the required count and ends their inning with a bag still in hand or on board. After all four bags have been thrown, the player with the most points wins the inning. In the event of a tie, both players keep their score and play another inning. The first player/team to reach 21 points wins the game. A game is played to the best of three or five, one-point games (first to win by two).
  • Bag Colors: There are two colors of bags – one for each team. The bag colors must be easily distinguishable from each other.
  • Gameplay: The player who receives first is decided by a coin toss. The player who wins the coin toss can choose to play first or second. If they decide to play second, their opponent will go first.
  • Throwing Order: Teams may choose any method for determining who will start each inning (rock-paper-scissors, flipping a coin, etc.). The same method is used to determine who throws first in the following innings. The winner of the previous inning throws first in the next inning.
  • Moving Bags: A bag that has been legally thrown and lands on the ground may be moved by either player before it is declared dead. If a bag has come to rest on or behind the foul line it may be moved back into the playing field by the owner of either team. If a bag has landed on top of another bag so that its weight causes one or both bags to fall off the board, the bag(s) will be placed on the platform at the point of intersection closest to where they first touched the ground.
  • Dead Bags: A bag is dead when it has come to rest on the ground or in the hole. It may not be moved, nor may any other bag be moved that is resting on it.
  • Foul Line: The foul line is an imaginary line extending from the front edge of the platform to the rear edge of the platform, and the outer edges of the front corners. If a bag lands on or touches the foul line it is considered dead.
  • Replaying Inning: The inning may be replayed if a bag that was removed from play before being thrown returns to touch a legally thrown bag which results in the removal of that bag from the playing field.
  • Interference: If a player or team member intentionally interferes with an opponent’s throw, the bag is dead and no points are scored. If interference occurs when there is no opposing player within reach of the bag, then the interfering team loses one point.

Cornhole Game Instructions

Players stand side-by-side behind the board with one bag each in hand ready to be thrown. A cornhole match begins with players taking turns pitching one bag at a time.

When both players have thrown all of their bags, they walk down to the other end of the playing field and retrieve the bags. The player who threw first in the previous inning now pitches first in the next inning, and play continues as such.

How To Throw

You are allowed to pitch from anywhere behind the front edge of the board. If a bag touches the ground at any time during its flight, it is considered “dead” and immediately removed from play.

Players cannot step over or on top of the board to gain an advantage; they can only stand behind the backboard and pitch from there. Players may not catch, cradle, or hold a bag in their hands. If a player does catch a bag, it is considered “dead” and immediately removed from play.

Keeping Cornhole Score

When all four bags have been thrown, the player with the most points in that inning wins the round. In the event of a tie, both players keep their score and play another inning. The first player to 21 points (or 11 in a best of 3 game match) wins the game.

There you have it – the official rules and regulations for cornhole as set by the American Cornhole Association. So, next time you’re playing, make sure you’re following these rules to ensure a fair and competitive match. And who knows, you may just be the next cornhole champion!

Goal Of Cornhole

The goal of the game is to get your bags onto the board or to knock your opponent’s bags off. Each player starts with four bags and takes turns throwing their bag at the board from a distance of twenty feet.

The winner is determined by counting how many boards were hit by either team after all eight bags have been thrown. In some variations, if one team knocks all the bags of the other team off the board, that team automatically wins.

Additions To Cornhole

To make things more interesting, some people like to add in different rules. One common rule is that you can’t move while your bag is in the air. This makes it more difficult to get a clean shot at the board.

Another common rule is that you cannot hold your bag when someone else is throwing theirs. This encourages players to have good aim, so they are not holding their bag when it needs to be thrown. It also prevents teams from double-teaming the board when both of them are standing close together.

Another variation is that if a player’s bag lands on the ground, they must forfeit their next turn.


Cornhole Facts

  1. Cornhole is a game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and is a very simple game to learn how to play.
  2. It is believed that the game originated in Germany in the 14th century.
  3. The name of the game is derived from the German word “kornhole” which means “small pocket.”
  4. Cornhole is a popular tailgating game in most parts of the United States and Canada.
  5. Cornhole is a great game to play outdoors on a sunny day or played indoors if the weather is bad outside.
  6. The object of the game is to score points by throwing bags into the hole on the other player’s board.
  7. The player who throws the most bags in the hole wins the game.
  8. There are many different variations of cornhole rules.
  9. The thickness of a cornhole board should be about 1/2 inch thick.
  10. A folding version of the cornhole board is available commercially and it sets up in 5 minutes or less!

Cornhole is a great game to play with friends and family, and with a few simple rules, it can be even more enjoyable. So get out there and start playing!

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Matt McWilliams

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