Best Super Bowl Party Games for 2022
If you are watching the Super Bowl this year, why not have a party with games to play while waiting for the game to start, during commercials, and at the end of the game? The games aren’t just limited to kids. Adults can get in on the games too! So check out some of these games below that you can plan for your big event.
So, what are some of the best Super Bowl party games? There at multiple games, that can be played indoors or out and that can include all ages. For the young ones, games like Duck, Duck, Goose, and Catch Phrase. For more active party guests, there is Flag Football and Basketball.
Super Bowl parties can be fun for all ages. If your party includes young kids and teenagers, there are numerous games you can play. Some games can be played inside or outside. Hopefully, when it is time for the Super Bowl, you will have great weather outside so that you can tailgate outside. It will be the perfect time to break out the grill and toss the ball around with all your guests.
Indoor Party Games
There are several indoor party games for those who wish to stay close to the action on TV.
1. Duck, Duck, Goose
Have you ever played this game before? Well, it is a lot of fun and is designed for kids but adults will have a blast playing it too! Players sit in a circle on the ground.
One player goes in the middle of the circle of players and calls out “duck, duck, goose!”. The players will then either say “duck” or they will run around the circle trying to avoid being touched by the player in the middle.
If you are caught, you are now it! This game is tons of fun for all ages.
2. Catch Phrase
This game is similar to Pictionary. The game will have you and another person teaming up against the rest of the players. Players take turns drawing clues for their partners to guess what they are drawing or saying. If your partners can’t guess what you are making, then they lose a point.
This game is great because it gives players opportunities to learn each other’s personalities more in-depth.
3. Slamwich
This is a card game that has been very popular for many years. In these games, players try to earn the most cards by putting them in sets of threes called “sandwiches”.
The game includes three rounds and players have to put down all their cards during each round before the timer runs out. Players have to put down three cards of the same type and then they place a fourth card on top of them. They do this again but with six cards, then nine cards.
Outdoor Party Games
Games like badminton, frisbee golf, and horseshoes can be played outside and don’t require too many instructions or strategies. These games allow everyone to enjoy the weather and have fun regardless of win or lose.
These games can be played for a long time or can be quick games, especially if the Super Bowl is about to start! The following games are the most popular and most of your guests will already know how to play them!
4. Corn Hole
Corn hole is a fun and easy game for the whole family to enjoy. This game is typically enjoyed outside with numerous players. All it involves is two teams standing on opposite sides of a longboard and pitching small bags at the other team’s board to get the bags into the hole.
You can play with one other person or multiple to create opposing teams. This game can also have personalized renditions to create a unique game!
5. Flag Football
Many people enjoy playing with their friends and family. Flag football can be played by any age group, including kids, teenagers, young adults, and older adults.
To play flag football at your next Super Bowl party, all you need is a large open space to play in, a set of flags for each member of the game, one or two games officials, and a football.
6. Capture the Flag
This game is for everyone, except for those who don’t like getting dirty! Capture the flag is just as it sounds. Two teams fight to capture each other’s flags. The flag is typically hidden out of sight so that it is a challenge for both teams.
Also, you can have a person guard your team’s flag so that the game is more difficult and enthusiastic. It is always fun having games you can play outdoors that involve physical activity.
7. Basketball
Do you have a basketball hoop outside? If so, a quick game of hoops can help the time pass until kickoff! Everyone knows basketball and it can be played in multiple ways. You can do the classic version with teams and the winner scores the most hoops. Or, you can play Horse.
This version includes players trying to make the same trick shot of each player. If you miss the shot, you gain one letter of the word Horse. A loser is a person who spells out the word Horse first. The winner has little or no letters at the end.
Additional Family-Friendly Games
Family-friendly games do not hurt younger children watching while they are playing. Games where everyone has a chance to win and that are easy for parents to supervise.
These games can be played with smaller groups of people, but will still provide exciting games for the whole party. These games typically include simple strategies and games that multiple age groups can play and win! Also, consider games that promote teamwork and focus less on the object of winning and more on enjoyment.
Depending on what games you might play at your next Super Bowl party, games that require minimal planning for the host are usually most common.
These may include games like charades and tic tac toe, these are fun for all ages. These games don’t have to be difficult and can also teach the younger kids patience. Also, the following games can be simple and yet fun for all!
Teddy Bear Tussle
This is a game where everyone is assigned a teddy bear, with no one knowing whose teddy bear they are assigned until the end of the game.
Hot Potato
This is a game that requires passing around a toy or games like musical chairs where players sit down on available chairs when the music stops.
More Game Ideas
There are so many ideas for games that can be played at your next Super Bowl party. Depending on what you have on hand and who your guests are, you can play all sorts of games. If you are looking for more ideas, consider playing these games at your party!
Eight Ball Pool
Do you have a pool table? Did you know there are all kinds of ways to play the game? Depending on how many people want to play, you can have so much fun with variations of a pool!
The object is to try and pocket all of your balls first, however other players will also be trying to do this too! Try to be smart with your aim and sink all the balls except the black eight ball!
Reverse Charades
This is a game for the whole party to enjoy. The group breaks up into two teams and you show ideas to the other team who must act it out as best they can until the first team guesses correctly. Most families play this game in their living rooms, but if you have a big party, or you want to enjoy the weather, feel free to go outside.
If you want to spice up the game, try including props from around the house! Reverse charades is a perfect game for groups that want something that involves both thinking and acting.
Do you enjoy card games? This is one of the most popular games in the United States. To play Rummy, you need to have at least two players. The game is played with multiple decks of cards until one player gets all their cards organized into “books” and “runs”.
There are many variations of Rummy, which leave plenty of options for playing. Ask your party guests what version they know and see if there are new ways for you to play!
Time To Plan Your Next Super Bowl Party
Now you have games for your party, but what about food? Are you going to buy a new TV? Are you sending out invites virtually or through the mail? You probably want a little more time to plan your party, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun games at the same time.
If you plan on hosting the party, make sure you have games ready for everyone to enjoy so that your party can be the best yet! Take some time to mow the lawn so that those outdoor games will be easier to play.
Ask your guest what games they enjoy playing and see if you can’t surprise them with some new ones as well. With some great tailgating and everyone’s favorite foods, your party is guaranteed to be amazing! Have fun, enjoy your company, and hopefully the football game is just as exciting as your party!